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per tutti gli esperti. iTunes - iPod Touch - Airport Extrem

Inviato: 02 set 2009, 17:40
da okkiblu

Ditemi cosa ne pensate, ragazzi. davvero questa configurazione è impossibile. Volevo evitare di usare l'apple tv che scalda di brutto ed è sempre accesa :(

ps. ho scritto anche al supporto di qnap chiedendo lumi.

grazie a tutti

amministratori, ho cancellato il post nell'altra sezione, dato che credo di essere stato ot.

Re: per tutti gli esperti. iTunes - iPod Touch - Airport Extrem

Inviato: 02 set 2009, 18:02
da luciano
Da quello che leggo sembra proprio di si. Altrimenti vorrebbe dire che poteri buttare la mia Squeezebox V3 (anche se in realtà non lo farei x nulla al mondo!). 8-)

Re: per tutti gli esperti. iTunes - iPod Touch - Airport Extrem

Inviato: 02 set 2009, 18:11
da okkiblu
luciano, approfitto della tua disponibilità e sapienza.

Come mai secondo te questa configurazione non va?

apple tv con nas e iphone funziona
airport con nas e iphone no


Re: per tutti gli esperti. iTunes - iPod Touch - Airport Extrem

Inviato: 03 set 2009, 13:18
da okkiblu
Ecco la conferma definitiva che airport non funziona con i nas :cry:
Mi hanno scritto direttamente quelli della qnap

Messages: good morning, a dear friend of mine says that: I also use IPOD Touch and the Apple Airport Express. The iTunes server on the Qnap NAS is only a storage server. This means that it only keeps the music in such a way that iTunes can access it as a shared library. You need something (PC, MAC or something like that) to get the music from the NAS and send it to the Airport Express. This unfortunately leads you with an extra device to start up. I also discovered this after I bought the IPOD and the Airport Express. The solution to this would be to have some kind of application (like iTunes) on the Qnap NAS, which the IPOD Touch could connect to and thus leave the PC/MAC out of the equation as you say. I have not found such a solution, but I would really like that alot. An alternative solution would be (QNAP iTunes server -- Squeezebox connected to speakers/stereo --- IPENG on IPOD Touch). But this still introduces this extra device, which I would also like to get rid of. Allthough a squeezebox can go into a low power mode when not used and that would save you from having to turn on the extra device. But still.... Please do you confirm me it! I would like to setup the qnap with iphone and airport express to stream music directly on the iphone from the qnap. thanks and greeting from italy. Simone

Hi Simone, How are we doing there? There's one more connectivity QNAP provides that might meet your needs. The UPnP media server running on QNAP works with many UPnP/DLNA compliant devices. The best recommendation I can give is to probably get you to spend extra $4.99 to get this app called 'PlugPlayer' ( <> We've tested the compatibility on site at QNAP and it works very well for home media streaming. Try it and it's definitely worth every penny.

Hi Andy sorry if I send you another mail but i gave a deeper look at your email. If i understood right the app you Are suggesting me is able to' play the files on the qnap directly on my phone. What about instead if I want to' listen my files placed on the qnap through my a/v amplifier and to' use the iPhone as a remote to' see my music library on the iPhone display? The iPhone app is called "remote", free dowload from app store. That's why I was asking if a qnap together with an Apple airport express - that has audio inputs and that can be' connected to' the av amplifier, with iPhone as remote, would be' a positive solution. I hope I've been clear!
Thanks agAin for your precious help! Simone

Now i am with you and have also read a bit from the Apple site but I think both Airport express or 'remote' will only work with itunes as the media source which then requires the PC to be on. The closest suggest would be Squeezebox + iPeng and use your Airport express for the wilreless ap. Our NAS product does not have audio out built-in unfortunately but still the power comsumption of squeezebox is far less than a PC right. I am a happy owner of Squeezebox duet too and I like it very much but since you are trying to use your 'touch' as the remote you could consider getting the classic version (without remote) and it's cheaper as well. Hope these answers you question.

Re: per tutti gli esperti. iTunes - iPod Touch - Airport Extrem

Inviato: 03 set 2009, 14:27
da luciano
Che dire, Apple fa ottimi prodotti, peccato ancora non abbia voglia di rendere i suoi sorgenti 1 pò + aperti....