Qnap in casi così suggerisce sempre di far partire il NAS senza dischi (copia/incolla dell'help desk):
Please try to follow the procedures as below,and tell us where you got stuck
It can help to verify where the problems is.
1.Power off your NAS.
2.Remove all the HDDs from the device, press the power button.(power on NAS without any HDDs)
2.1 Check: LED on the from panel turns on ?
=>No: P1: Can Not Power On
2.2 Check: The NAS sound a short beep ?
=>No: P2: U-BOOT/BIOS Boot Fail
2.3 Check: After 2-4 minutes, the device sound one or three long beeps
=>No: P3: Firmware on Flash/DOM failure
2.4 Check: Connect the device to PC directly and run QNAP Finder. Finder should find the device.
=>No: P4: Network Failure
2.5 Check: Hot-plug the working HDDs then click the details button on QNAP Finder. All the HDDs should be on the list.
=>No: P5: Drive Bay Failure (Note: Make sure the HDDs are on the QNAP HDD compatibility list and working.)
Note: If you have available data in the disks, please skip next step.
Do not initialize the system when LCD or QNAP Finder prompt a confirmation message.
3. Check: Double-click the device on QNAP Finder list to start initialization.
=>No: P6 Fail to initialization. (Note: The IP of the devicet should
be on the same subnet of your PC. For example, if the IP of NAS is, you need to configure your PC's IP to
If you have any hardware problems,please contact your local reseller for repair....
If it’s P3: Firmware on Flash/DOM failure error,you can try F/W recovery :
old model please check here:
Still problem. send back to local reseller for repair.