QTS 5.2

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Messaggi: 4304
Iscritto il: 25 ott 2011, 22:39
Località: Bari

Re: QTS 5.2

Messaggio da PiaNi »

Ho trovato un bug di questo firmware, ma anche del precedente.
Ho inizializzato un nas e non riuscivo a ricollegare un servizio RTRR, ho reinizializzato con il firmware 5.1.9, stesso problema. Mi veniva fuori un errore con l'account del nas ricevente.
Praticamente aveva bisogno delle cartelle home e homes, che non vengono create se non si installa la app myqnapcloud.
Dopo aver installato myqnapcloud, nessun problema.
Non riuscivo neanche a cambiare lo sfondo del QTS, lo cambiava ma ad ogni login tornava quello di default.
Gigabyte B550M Aorus Pro-P | Ryzen 5700x + Scythe Fuma 2 | nVidia RTX 3060 12GB | NVMe WDBlack 500GB + WD HC530 14TB
TS 473A: 3×WD60EFRX Raid5
TS 133: WD HC530 14TB
TS 453A: 3×WD84PURZ Raid5
TS 451+: WD40EFAX (SMR!!)
Synology 1520+: 4×WD4003FRYZ Raid5
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Messaggi: 4304
Iscritto il: 25 ott 2011, 22:39
Località: Bari

Re: QTS 5.2

Messaggio da PiaNi »

PiaNi ha scritto: 13 feb 2025, 12:28 Non riuscivo neanche a cambiare lo sfondo del QTS, lo cambiava ma ad ogni login tornava quello di default.
In merito al problema dello sfondo, Qnap mi ha risposto così:
Hello Nicola, good morning.
Thank you for contacting QNAP support.
We acknowledge this bug, which has been reported by several users. We want to confirm that it will be fixed in the upcoming QTS 5.2.4 update, scheduled for release inthe next few weeks. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Please stay tuned for the update. Thank you.
Gigabyte B550M Aorus Pro-P | Ryzen 5700x + Scythe Fuma 2 | nVidia RTX 3060 12GB | NVMe WDBlack 500GB + WD HC530 14TB
TS 473A: 3×WD60EFRX Raid5
TS 133: WD HC530 14TB
TS 453A: 3×WD84PURZ Raid5
TS 451+: WD40EFAX (SMR!!)
Synology 1520+: 4×WD4003FRYZ Raid5
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Messaggi: 4304
Iscritto il: 25 ott 2011, 22:39
Località: Bari

Re: QTS 5.2

Messaggio da PiaNi »

Versione build 20250312

[Security Updates]
- Applied multiple security updates to further enhance system security.

Network & Virtual Switch
- Improved the DHCP server creation and editing process. When creating a DHCP server, you can also set reserved IP addresses. It is now also possible to create a DHCP server when the adapter is using a DHCP IP address, although we still strongly recommend using a static IP address.
- You can now directly set the DHCP IP address of a client device as a reserved IP address.
- Adapter connection statuses are now displayed in "Network > Interfaces > Thunderbolt".

Storage & Snapshot
- Updated Western Digital Device Analytics (WDDA) to version 8.70.5 for improved stability.

[Fixed Issues]
- Resolved an unusual issue where some users experienced RAID group and shared folder errors after a firmware update.
- Fixed an issue where ARM-based NAS models could not join a Windows Server 2025 domain.
- Resolved a rare issue in the kernel-mode SMB daemon that caused the NAS to stop responding for some users.
- Fixed a log message that displayed the wrong operating system.
- Addressed a UI issue in the App Center settings window when the display language was set to French.
- Fixed an issue in Control Panel where right-clicking an empty area would open a context menu with the "Create Shortcut" action.
- Improved WebDAV transfer speeds.
- Improved the login authentication mechanism on certain NAS models.
- Fixed an issue where even though the QDA-A2AR adapter was already running the latest firmware, the system would still notify users that there was a newer firmware version available.
- Fixed an issue where after restarting the NAS, the system would incorrectly indicate that port trunking groups were degraded.
Gigabyte B550M Aorus Pro-P | Ryzen 5700x + Scythe Fuma 2 | nVidia RTX 3060 12GB | NVMe WDBlack 500GB + WD HC530 14TB
TS 473A: 3×WD60EFRX Raid5
TS 133: WD HC530 14TB
TS 453A: 3×WD84PURZ Raid5
TS 451+: WD40EFAX (SMR!!)
Synology 1520+: 4×WD4003FRYZ Raid5
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Messaggi: 723
Iscritto il: 28 gen 2012, 01:02

Re: QTS 5.2

Messaggio da lucam1970 »

Per opportuna informazione di tutti, per i due nas che ho io (TS-653D e TS-653A) l'ultimo firmware ( è stato ritirato.

La cosa è stata riportata anche sul forum in lingua inglese, evidenziando che (come al solito) non sono disponibili informazioni sulle ragioni di questa decisione.

L'unico post che aveva evidenziato dei problemi, nell'apposito thread dedicato al nuovo firmware, riguardava alcune difficoltà di riconoscimento delle unità esterne di espansione dello storage (TL-D800S, TR-004 e TR-002)
- NAS: QNAP TS-653D 16GB (24TB/RAID5 - QTS
- Backup Unit: QNAP TS-653A 8GB (16TB/RAID5 - QTS
- UPS: APC Back-UPS BX700
- Client: Macbook Pro (2020) ; Macbook Pro (2016); Macbook Air M1
- Home Cinema: TV Samsung 55C8000 - Apple TV 4th - Samsung BD-C5900 - SkyQ - Denon 1911 - Indiana Line Tesi
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Messaggi: 723
Iscritto il: 28 gen 2012, 01:02

Re: QTS 5.2

Messaggio da lucam1970 »

Riguardo alla rimozione dell'ultimo firmware trovate qualche spiegazione qui https://community.qnap.com/t/removed-qt ... 250312/771
- NAS: QNAP TS-653D 16GB (24TB/RAID5 - QTS
- Backup Unit: QNAP TS-653A 8GB (16TB/RAID5 - QTS
- UPS: APC Back-UPS BX700
- Client: Macbook Pro (2020) ; Macbook Pro (2016); Macbook Air M1
- Home Cinema: TV Samsung 55C8000 - Apple TV 4th - Samsung BD-C5900 - SkyQ - Denon 1911 - Indiana Line Tesi
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Messaggi: 4304
Iscritto il: 25 ott 2011, 22:39
Località: Bari

Re: QTS 5.2

Messaggio da PiaNi »

Stamattina c'è la versione QTS build 20250321

[Security Updates]
- Applied multiple security updates to further enhance system security.


Network & Virtual Switch
- Improved the DHCP server creation and editing process. When creating a DHCP server, you can also set reserved IP addresses. It is now also possible to create a DHCP server when the adapter is using a DHCP IP address, although we still strongly recommend using a static IP address.
- You can now directly set the DHCP IP address of a client device as a reserved IP address.
- Adapter connection statuses are now displayed in "Network > Interfaces > Thunderbolt".

Storage & Snapshot
- Updated Western Digital Device Analytics (WDDA) to version 8.70.5 for improved stability.

[Fixed Issues]
- Resolved an unusual issue where some users experienced RAID group and shared folder errors after a firmware update.
- Fixed an issue where ARM-based NAS models could not join a Windows Server 2025 domain.
- Resolved a rare issue in the kernel-mode SMB daemon that caused the NAS to stop responding for some users.
- Fixed a log message that displayed the wrong operating system.
- Addressed a UI issue in the App Center settings window when the display language was set to French.
- Fixed an issue in Control Panel where right-clicking an empty area would open a context menu with the "Create Shortcut" action.
- Improved WebDAV transfer speeds.
- Improved the login authentication mechanism on certain NAS models.
- Fixed an issue where even though the QDA-A2AR adapter was already running the latest firmware, the system would still notify users that there was a newer firmware version available.
- Fixed an issue where after restarting the NAS, the system would incorrectly indicate that port trunking groups were degraded.
- Fixed an issue for some users where after a firmware update, the DNS setting for a virtual switch might disappear and become unconfigurable.
Gigabyte B550M Aorus Pro-P | Ryzen 5700x + Scythe Fuma 2 | nVidia RTX 3060 12GB | NVMe WDBlack 500GB + WD HC530 14TB
TS 473A: 3×WD60EFRX Raid5
TS 133: WD HC530 14TB
TS 453A: 3×WD84PURZ Raid5
TS 451+: WD40EFAX (SMR!!)
Synology 1520+: 4×WD4003FRYZ Raid5

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