Problema con hard disk backup esterno

Discussioni sul software di backup NetBak Replicator.
Messaggi: 54
Iscritto il: 05 ott 2012, 15:37

Problema con hard disk backup esterno

Messaggio da notoriousbug »

ciao a tutti, non capisco come mai, dopo aver scollegato e ricollegato l hard disk esterno collegato tramite usb su cui ho programmato il backup del nas ha incrementato notevolmente i tempi..e mi da degli errori su certi file che prima di scollegarlo nn mi ha mai dato.
Da tener presente che ho impostato 2 alle 13.00 e un altro alle 18.00..per entrambi vale la stessa cosa...dopo aver fatto ad esempio quello delle 13.00 e senza toccare i files sul nas...quando parte quello delle 18.00 impiega lo stesso tempo..
Considerando che senza modificare nessun file sul nas quando parte la sincronizzazione mi stima un tempo di circa 655 mano scende e alla fine impiega circa 1h e 10 minuti..
A me sembra strano..perche se non ci sono file modificati non capisco come mai debba impiegare tutto questo tempo..
Magari qualcuno mi potrebbe gentilmente aiutare?

il registro mi da questi messaggi:

[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Job [Backup Nas ore 18] started.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Synchronize files between local folders and an external drive with volume ID: 9CE44A2EE44A0ACA.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] The number of folder pairs = 3.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Pair1 = [3D, Volume/3D].
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Pair2 = [LAVORI, Volume/LAVORI].
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Pair3 = [PERSONALE, Volume/PERSONALE].
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Schedule type: Daily (hour = 18, minute = 0).
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] The deleting extra files option is enabled.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] The checking data content option is disabled.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] The detecting sparse files option is disabled.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] The extended attributes option is disabled.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Symbolic link files are included.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] The detail log is enabled with the maximum size 10 MB.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Maximum retry times: 3; Retry interval in seconds: 60; Connection timeout in seconds: 120; Current retry number: 0.
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Destination does not support changing file mode!
[2017/07/28 18:00:26] Destination does not support changing file owner!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/B9/BA/0009000000000000A90ABC0100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/E9/95/0009000000000000C105000200000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/E9/95/0009000000000000C205000200000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/59/ED/00090000000000005009B40100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/59/ED/00090000000000005109B40100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/59/ED/00090000000000004F09B40100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/F5/DD/00090000000000002601E90100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/A1/17/00090000000000000C00EA0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/A1/17/00090000000000002A00EA0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/A1/17/00090000000000003700EA0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/A1/17/00090000000000003D00EA0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/A1/17/0009000000000000B200EA0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/F1/30/00090000000000002100E60100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/F1/30/00090000000000002A00E60100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/F1/30/00090000000000003200E60100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:00:27] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/3D/.streams/F1/30/00090000000000001900E60100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/39/85/0009000000000000920F9C0100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/39/85/00090000000000008E0F9C0100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/39/85/00090000000000008A0F9C0100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/39/85/00090000000000007E0F9C0100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/39/85/00090000000000007D0F9C0100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/0D/EC/00090000000000001108FB0100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/05/92/0009000000000000850CF50100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/05/92/0009000000000000840CF50100000000/:Zone.Identifier:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/5D/05/00090000000000000C00F70100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/E5/53/000900000000000018005D0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/E5/53/00090000000000000B005D0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 18:34:44] # WARNING: Skip the "Volume/LAVORI/.streams/E1/A6/000900000000000008005A0100000000/:encryptable:$DATA" file which has an unsupported filename!
[2017/07/28 19:10:52] The synchronization is finished.
[2017/07/28 19:10:52] Sync statistic: Total number of the folders: 21676. Total number of the files: 708061. Total updated size: 0 byte. Average updating speed: N/A. Time elapsed: 1 hour 10 minutes 25 seconds
[2017/07/28 19:10:52] Not all files/folders and their attributes are synchronized!
[2017/07/28 19:10:52] 28 file(s) and 0 folder(s) are skipped because of their unsupported filename (or unsupported file size), and 0 symbolic link(s) is skipped because symbolic link is not supported.
[2017/07/28 19:10:52] Job finished with warning. (Not all files/folders and their attributes are copied!)
Messaggi: 54
Iscritto il: 05 ott 2012, 15:37

Re: Problema con hard disk backup esterno

Messaggio da notoriousbug »

..potrebbe essere utile magari creare un nuovo processo di backup su unità esterna ed eliminare quello vecchio o creerei dei problemi?...per fare questo è magari meglio formattare l hd esterno?
Ho solamente 3 cartelle che voglio tener aggiornate tra nas e hd esterno..
grazie mille
Messaggi: 54
Iscritto il: 05 ott 2012, 15:37

Re: Problema con hard disk backup esterno

Messaggio da notoriousbug »

Ciao..nessuno che può darmi un aiuto per favore?
Questo il messaggio che mi da quando sia avvia o avvio il backup:

..ho provato a settare cosi le Proprietà del processo di sincronizzazione
[/url] il problema nn mi si risolve..
E' normale che anche senza toccare nessun file sul nas...impieghi sempre lo stesso tempo per la sincronizzazione?


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