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disco usb compromesso

Inviato: 11 set 2020, 19:22
da pappagone2000
Ho due usb collegati al mio qnap TS-253A. Uno dei due risulta inservibile ed entrando nel disco c'è un file txt che dice:

"HELLO! YOUR REMOTE STORAGE WAS COMPROMISED. YOUR FILES ARE IN OUR POSSESSION. FOR THE MOMENT ALL YOUR FILES AND FOLDERS ARE SAFE. THEY HAVE BEEN MOVED TO OUR SECURE SERVERS AND ENCRYPTED. IF YOU WANT YOUR FILES BACK OR DO NOT WANT THEM LEAKED PLEASE SEND 0.1 BITCOIN TO THIS BITCOIN WALLET: 1JEVcoKGJcL3jBg7ACnQgdnSBXCTBMooG YOU HAVE UNTIL THE 12th OF SEPTEMBER 2020 TO MAKE THE PAYMENT OR YOUR FILES WILL BE DELETED FROM OUR SERVERS, LEAKED OR SOLD. YOUR UNIQUE ID IS: PLEASE EMAIL US YOUR ID AND PAYMENT CONFIRMATION TO: AFTER THE PAYMENT CONFIRMATION YOU WILL RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO DOWNLOAD ALL YOUR FILES BACK. How to obtain Bitcoin: The easiest way to buy bitcoin is the LocalBitcoins site. !!! ATTENTION !!! Even if all your files are backups and you have a copy of them, do not disregard this message. Considering the huge amount of sensitive and private information we harvested, we reserve the right to LEAK or SELL all your data, if no payment is made. We will also inform your GDPR regulators about the breach. This will imply heavy fines. This is NOT a BOT THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Data Security"

Che cosa può essere successo? Sono preoccupato per la sicurezza dell'intero sistema.
grazie a chi mi risponde
P.S. i dati non sono miei (li ho copiati da un tizio che ha avuto lo stesso problema)

Re: disco usb compromesso

Inviato: 14 set 2020, 12:23
da pappagone2000
Visto che nessuno ha avuto lo stesso problema ma che potrebbe capitare, ho per prima cosa protetto il più possibile il qnap. Poi con l'utility Mini Tool Partition Wizard ho recuperato tutto.